Technicians man the control room at the European Space Agency's control center in Darmstadt, Germany.
互联网European Space Agency ( ESA ): Western European space and space - technology research organization headquartered in Paris.
欧洲太空局: 西欧的太空和太空技术研究组织,总部设在巴黎.
互联网The European Space Agency ( Esa ) is expected to name four new astronauts on Wednesday.
互联网Understandably, the European Space Agency is twitchy about its investment.
想当然的, 欧洲太空总署对这项投资焦躁不安.
互联网The satellite, costing 600 m euros, was launched last year by the European Space Agency.
搭载普朗克望远镜的卫星耗资6亿欧元, 去年由欧洲宇航局发射升空.
互联网That's when the European Space Agency's Mars Express Spacecraft flew by the tiny moon.
互联网It be the space agency's fifth attempt to get the off the ground.
互联网CSA , the Chinese Space Agency, has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series.
互联网The European Space Agency has said it will encourage space agencies to share more information.
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